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Thursday, November 17, 2011

New to this!

I'm new to this whole blogging thing, but I am making a lot of changes in my life, and I would like to document them... and if someone wants to read about it, SWELL!

Firstly, a little about myself. I am a SAHM of two beautiful daughters. My husband and I just got married in August, having been together for three years. We are vegetarians, striving towards veganism.

As for changes, I recently went no-poo! About three weeks ago, I'd say. I'm not out of the water yet, still have a waxy texture every 4th day or so... but I'm loving it! No more stripping my hair only to have it oily the next day! I will write a whole entry about that later. As of now, I am trying to organize my thoughts. If you are patient enough to bare with me, I would be surprised, but thank you!